Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Lone Straggeling Post...

Hey! Here's our latest post, it's kind of deep, so don't hurt your brain. :)

How does the mystery of who killed the dog reflect on Christoper's life as a whole?


Mello Yello said...

How does the mystery of who killed the dog reflect on Christoper's life as a whole?

Christopher's life is shrouded in ignorance and obsession. The mystery of the dog and his obstinence about who dun it shows his personality. He just has to find out who killed the dog. He just cannot touch yellow or brown. He just has to take his math test. Just like all mysteries, Christopher must discover: his mother, his father's murder, and his relationship to his parents. The dog represents Christopher's drama

TCR said...

Well the mystery leads to investigation and investigation leads to answer. Christopher's life is revolved around math and math requires investigation and then answer.

Christopher is pretty much selfish. He only cared about acing his math test and didn't care about his mom's feelings, although it can be said the other way. His dad's action, also the mystery, was selfish because he wanted to get revenge on his neighbor. It was also selfish for him to not tell Christopher the truth about his mother for so many years.

The Indonesian said...

Christopher has a hard live. His parents hate each other and he doesn't know who to trust. His life is complicated. Christopher struggles to solve the mystery of the dog and is shocked to find out that his father is the murderer.

I think all the problems that the mystery of the dog create reflect on all the problems of Christopher's life. In the beginning of the book, Christopher is constantly getting frustrated because no one will help him solve the murder. His life drastically changes when his mom moves away. Even at the end of the book, Christopher is having problems because he can't take his math classes.

Quarantined said...

The death of the dog represents the point in time when Christopher's life changed. For the better or worse is unclear. The dog dying and Christopher trying to find the killer is the point when Christopher's life started to fall apart and he started to gro mentalll. Because of the dead dog, Christopher was able to ignore some of his fears and overcome other ones.

Christopher trying to ind the killer of the dog could also be simply that that is what Christopher needs to do. When he finds a problem, he feels that the problem just simply needs an answer; that is just the way he thinks.

Paigie-Paige said...

The dog is a metaphor for Christopher's old life. Immediately, when the dog is killed, Christopher starts a new path, leaving his old life behind. In the end, he finds the truth about his life. Without this dog, this new path, he wouldn't have found truth.